Reviews, Analytics, Impact Metrics


Reach, growth, ratings, ranking scores/percentiles, impact metrics, monetization, stats, demographic reach, influence, etc.

via: upvotes, likes (of my work, by others), like-dislike ratio, recommendations, sharings, citations, downloads, click-throughs, user behaviour, CPM, prior&next link connectome, engagement, view duration, reputation points, badges, comments posted from others, subs, embed, imprints, donations, ad revenue conversion-equivalent, other proxies, etc.

For more information, see data on other webpages.


More Info Coming Here Soon....

Screenshots here TBC.

I also use my analytics to inform my growth and market proposals, as well as user consumer behaviours.

Also see: - Analytics & impact metrics  - 

As explained here, the idea is to convert that into a financially profitable business.

last updated : Feb 2022

This is a summary of the screenshots, from the links and qualitative descriptions in other places.

See private Excel files as well.


Since mid 2017:

Only MNT-affiliated, so does not include my work from KCL.


SciOrg website: 10,000+ views


My Videos that I created and published on my main YouTube channel:

54 videos (approx 7 hrs or footage); 

Views: people watched my videos 3500+ times; 

Watch-time engagement activity: people watched 2200+ minutes of my videos; 

40+ subscribers shared over 2 channels

60+ comments posted by others that I replied to with my own posts; 60+ upvotes by others

70+ video likes by others, approx 95% positive rating;  (like dislike ratio)

20+ shares by others on their various social media

Reached 40+ countries, approx 90% of views coming from the top 5

Male-Female ratio approx 50/50

Ages: mainly (approx 80%) from 16 - 32.

Arrival to my videos: mainly from suggestions from google and youtube search rank algorithms; some from backlinks from my websites.

Rank: about 1 000 000 of 2 000 000 ?

Growth rate: 

Mar 2017: 5 views per month

Mar 2018: 200 views per month







Facebook (SciOrg, not HM1 or HM2)

90 followers since Nov 2017



StackE   - 66 reputational points, 10 badges

5 posts


highest level user I have been praised by: x



Twitter (HM account):

100 followers since June 2016



recommendation of my projects: -

impact factor: -


LinkedIn approvals



BNT Website:

2000+ views

Main advertisers: Google Cloud, Revo, MatLab/MathWorks, Lynda, DigitalMarkets, Weebly

Form HCI expt submissions:

Form feedback submissions:

PDF   download, sharing or citation : -

3D model download, sharing or citation, as visual file or data/codeset: -

Code download:


FNN App download:

Nov 2017: 1 per 2 months

Mar 2018: 5-10 per month


SketchFab: -

Unity: -

CloudConsole: -

OpenNeuro: -

NitrcDB: -

SourceForge: -

Mathworks: -


Google Earth/Maps Local Guides Contributor

Level 5 - 902 points

173 contributions

2 Places Added

16 Reviews of 16 places - 2,132 views

156 Photos - 30,872 views


4million+ views



£ Revenue: X0

Est.: -


Citations: 0

Impact Factor: 0

Other: -




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