Q & A

The sole employer/employee/shareholder affiliated with this company is: 

Mr Harry S F Muzart 

(Founder, Director, Secretary, Chief Scientific Content Developer)


FAQ / Questions & Answers


What is this company about?

see https://www.multidisc-neurosci-tech-ltd.org/Scient-Props-Bus-Model-Invest

Is this company classified as ‘active’ ?




How many people directly involved in this company?


1 (Harry Muzart - as founder and CEO) 

How many employees are there?


1 (Harry Muzart)


How many employers are there?


1 (Harry Muzart)


How does this company operate and what does it do?


All products and services are provided (free of charge, or for a fee), usually online. It is a purely online-based company at the moment, with remote physical locations for my activities. See other pages for more information on exactly what my activities are.


What materials are used in the company?


Three Computers (one main laptop, with supporting desktop and laptop computers) (Windows), a tablet (Android), a phone (Android, formerly iOS/Windows), a camera camcorder. Router with (IP ISP: EE Plus) Broadband Fibre Internet. Paper files, folders, stationaries, accessories. Desk, table, chair.

(Note these are not exclusive to MNT Ltd activities and were not purchased just for MNT Ltd activities)

Base platforms are also set-up temporarily (hot-desking) occasionally in places run under Kent County & Canterbury City Council, and University of Kent, and University of London.


Does the company have a main official physical location?


Yes - Station Road West, CT2 8AN, Canterbury, Kent, UK.


Is there a front office open to the public?


No. But other locations can be booked for meetings (eg. at University of Kent, or at University College London, KCL, or other ‘hot-desking’ temporary office space in Canterbury, Ashford or London)


What are the contact details?


See contact details.


What type of company is this and is it regulated by the British Government?


It is a private limited company, which follows government regulations and legislations, and is subject to corporation tax by HMRC, while under business and trading activities. It also operates under international European laws.


When are the first official accounts filed?


20 Nov 2018 (12 months after Nov 2017)

Every 6 months thereafter.


Are there any other contributors to the company?


No. All work is done by HMuzart. There is user input/feedback, and mutual collaborative contributions with others in some of the activities, but not directly related to the company. (at the ‘activity level’, not at the ‘company level’).


With whose help was the company set-up and developed?


No-one except for me (Harry Muzart).


Some free advice was obtained from staff at the UoL Alumni Services / UCL Careers / UCL Advances / UCL Rights and Advice (Legal) / KCL Entrepreneurship . Some scientific and business/political advice was sought out by experts in their field.


All other research was done independently by me, mainly via online means.


Is it making any net profit as of now?




How many shareholders are there


1 (Harry Muzart – 100%)


What is the organisational structure of the company? What roles are there? Who are these roles fulfilled by?


HM = Harry Muzart.


Level Grades: A (Top) – B – C  – D – E (Bottom)



Chairman - HM

Board Member(s) - HM


Founder - HM

Co-founders - none


Main Owner - HM

Internal Shareholders - HM

External Shareholders - none


CEO Chief Executive Officer / MD Managing Director - HM

Other Directors - none

DVP (Deputy Vice-President) - HM





External Independent Reviewers/Auditors - none

Advisors - none


Main Secretary of the Company - HM

Assistant Secretary to Manager - HM


Head of Research Branch - HM

Senior and Junior Roles - HM


Head of Biosciences / Neurosciences - HM

Senior and Junior Roles - HM

[…] - HM

[…] - HM


Laboratory Operations - HM


Head of Computing Engineering Development (Hardware) - HM

Senior and Junior Roles - HM


Head of Computing Engineering Development (Software) - HM

Senior and Junior Roles - HM

[…] - HM

[…] - HM


Clinical Lead - HM

Senior and Junior Roles - HM


Logistics & Risks - HM


Communications Director, Press / Media, Public Engagement - HM

Spokesperson - HM


Human Resources Administrator (Recruitment) - HM

Human Resources Administrator (Welfare) - HM


Juridical/Judicial Officer  - HM

Data Protection Officer - HM


Book-keeping / Archiving - HM

Actuary / Accounts - HM


Quality Assurance - HM

IT Maintenance, Set-up, Troubleshooting - HM


Basic Maintenance / Housekeeping / Waste Management / Cleaning - HM


Is the company hiring or providing (paid or unpaid) internships?


Not at the moment – resources and funds not available.


When will the company hire?


When investments of at least £500,000 are secured.

Perhaps in 7-10 years time, at least.

It is only after that that I will start to make a significant income.

A timeline of the next 20 years - with exact activities - will be posted here soon.


What are the revenue & profit values projected in each quarter for the next 5 years?


Data no yet available.


Are share options public and available on the stock market ?


No. Not yet.


At the moment, how are the activities of HM and MNT funded ?


Personal Savings and Third-Party (Family/Parent) Savings, and Leverage from Lenders, and money earned from separate Work/Activities.

Is H Muzart available for full-time work?


Yes. I am seeking to do either a full-time fully-funded PhD and/or work in full-time Employment. When that becomes the case, this company will only be worked on a much more part-time occasional basis, at evenings/weekends.


Can collaborations be made with this company?


Yes, I am open to collaborations (at the company level, not just at the subsidiary activity level), partnerships, buying of shares, investments (at the company level, not just at the subsidiary activity level). Terms are yet to be ratified and I will let you know when you can get in touch with me. All this is yet to be confirmed as more work needs to be done on my part.

Accuracy of Sites

Please note that all the stats / analytics / data cited on any given webpage may not be fully accurate, and may be inconsistent with other webpages, at any given time. This is for a variety of reasons out of my control in terms of how the system algorithms receive, process and display information.

About bad actors on sites

A very small percentage of people on all these platforms that I use (eg. youtube, fiverr, etc) are bad actors (eg. spammers, trolls, fake reviewers, fake click generators, bots, people with corrupt agendas, inappropriate behaviour, criminal behaviour, malware distribution, etc). Internal Policies of these platforms and the Free Market System, with appropriate evidence-based government regulations, makes sure that most of the people on these sites produce quality work/content and that the highest quality work/content is rewarded the most, while bad actors are punished accordingly.

Do the affiliated sites comply with GDPR and related laws

Yes. see also https://www.scientifically.org.uk/disclaimer-legal-privacy-policy and https://www.bioneurotech.com/1-legal and cogntech/gdpr.


Here is the contact form and email address, for any enquiries or comments, [insert email here]. I am always interested in hearing from. Please realise that there is no guarantee you will get a response because I am very busy with many other commitments, but your message will definitely be briefly skimmed through at least.