Scientific Propositions & Business Model for Investors

Official Company Information:

MULTIDISCIPLINARY NEUROSCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGIES LTD. - Overview (free company information from Companies House) ( 

Nature of business (SIC codes - standard industrial classification of economic activities)

Market-based Propositions & Company Business Model for Investors/Collaborators

About MNT P&S - Products & Services, etc

More About Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd


What does MNT (M.N.T. / M.N.T. Ltd) do and what are its aims ?

It does many things. The current activities are articulated and described on the various pages of this website. 

The main current aims for 2017 onwards are also partially stated on the main caption (mission statement) of the home page (or where relevant), as well as the homepage (or 'about'/'info' pages) of, and

This is currently a part-time side-project for me (H.M.), so I am still working on developing everything.

Why MNT (M.N.T. / M.N.T. Ltd) ? 

There are many problems to be solved, which require interdisciplinary scientific advances, via  interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary minds.

A full meta-report of all the data and statistical analyses is in progress. 

The basic Value Proposition for the business is : Providing (free open-source, and fee-based) products and services related to multidisciplinary neuroscientific technologies (see below), in order to deal with market demands and also to offer what is currently not offered in the market.

Premise: Many of the next-generation billionaires and the next trillion-dollar industries, will be to do with the merging between biology and technology (eg. biomolecular bionanotechnology / bioengineering, neuro-robotics & brain-machine interfaces, general-purpose artificial intelligence, etc). Very complex high-level computational modelling/simulation is needed to advance these fields' frontiers, and currently I am exploring some relatively simple (comparatively) computational-based modelling/analysis. 

Novel contributions and Aims: The 2030 aim: Innovative & Revolutionary technologies. My novel contributions: See other works.  Also: The domains also provide a much needed repository for works/material in interdisciplinary science (where interdisciplinary science is really emphasised) - as there is not much of this out there (although there is starting to be more, and I do want to be a co-pioneer in that movement).

Furthermore, a base infrastructure is being prepared so that I could act as a consultant in new types of jobs: holistic VR-based child education, AI applied to clinical neuropsychiatry and AI, applied neuroscience to computing technologies, space colonisation medical teams, self-driving automata and GPS based on hippocampal neural systems, etc. Other issues include a policy push towards neurosciences as a core subject in secondary schools, and interdisciplinary mindsets for undergraduates; as well as the democratisation of advanced tech and personalised DIY home-based labs; and to popularise the urgency of tackling existential threats (environmental concerns, biowarfare, biohacking, microbial pandemics, neuroinformatics, AI/automation replacing jobs, etc).

So essentially, this company is a formalisation of all the above, this is something that I have always wanted to found, 

and that I will carry on working, as a proof-of-concept and to lay the base infrastructure for my endeavours (to get an early 'foot in the ground' as they say), on to get real large investments in the future (e.g. 2025+).

So what is/are Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies - what does it actually mean ??

It is first useful to get examples of definitions:

  About the nomenclature:

  Hence, "Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies" refers to many different ways of viewing neuroscience and different technologies; It refers to Multidisciplinary Neurosciences, Neuroscientific Technologies, and Multidisciplinary Technologies.

  for example:

--- Computational Models and Data Visualisations in Cellular Neuroscience/Biosciences.

--- Computational Models and Data Visualisations in Organismal Systems Neuroscience.

--- Prototyping of the above, and its relationship to Engineering products.

--- Open-sourcing demonstrations and protocols for DIY-labs related to the above.

--- Modelling Biological and Artificial Neural Networks.

--- Computational Models and Data Visualisations in Cognitive Sciences & Social Humanities.

--- Data and Literature Research Reviewing in Clinical, Computational and Cognitive Neurobiological Sciences.

--- Using and altering Deep Machine Learning A.G.I. algorithms for a variety of applications.

--- Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience thinking in Machine Learning protocols.

--- Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience & Mental Health Research (eg. in holistic education, e-Learning, VR, hybrid systems, and/or in App Design; for schools, universities, etc)

--- e-Learning (electronic tools, digital-technology-enhanced education) (production and publishing of audio-video/other content) to teach about Multidisciplinary (Neuro)Sciences for human brain/mind learning & development (i.e. democratising an Interdisciplinary Education for everyone).

--- Personalised technological tools,  systems, interfaces, communications, and content, for: neurodivergent individuals, e.g. people of all ages with learning difficulties, or other.

--- Promoting Open-access Science by virtue of having the above activities.

--- Neuro-Politics: incorporating scientifically-informed data-driven ideas and 'neuro-' concepts into sociological discourse and policy implementation: neuro-politics, neuro-soc, neuro-economics, neuro-ethics and neuro-law; in local/regional institutions, communities, and academic organisations.


Other technical admin notes....

Moreover, I maintain full Copyright / Intellectual Property (by default, not officially filed) over my Works as under MNT Ltd. My work is technically not licensed under Creative Commons, but almost all of it is open source and free to re-use and modify and re-distribute (provided that me and other sources are being attributed/cited/referenced accordingly), as I strongly support open access and fair use of anyone's works.

The works includes:

--- Products (usually digital) that are fully free or in-app fee-paying

--- Services such as digital product creation

--- Consultancy (expert advising on a variety of issues, for example Neuroscience applied to e-market behaviour, etc) (TBC)

I would be considered as an independent freelance individual contractor.

The agreements are yet to be ratified.


Organisational structure: TBC


Products & Services: (see other links)

Also see links:

(https://www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.) [obsolete]

(http://www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.) ,    (



Vision 2030 - Mission Statement 

by Mr Harry Muzart, Founder & CEO


Research and Innovation in Computational Complex Systems, mainly Computational Modelling of Neuronal systems & Neural Network functional connectivity, in humans & artificial machines, including building cognitive AGI systems. 


Applications in organismal systems neurophysiology for invasive & non-invasive brain-machine interfaces, as well as in clinical neuro-cellular bionanotechnology, and other diverse areas.


Scientific and societal progress in the form of educational media & popularisation, and via activism for the implementation of rational socio-economic policies.


Official Company Information:


Other info:


Information on legal and financial details will be uploaded here.

This includes analytics data (using Google Analytics), intellectual property licenses, and business models for monetization.



For more information for now, see other sites by H Muzart: ;More about me, all my professional and social networking, and funding platforms.

 Subsidiaries/Domains of MNT Ltd: ; Cognitive projects

 www.BioNeuroTech.comMy work in general programming and computational modelling in neurobiological sciences / cognitive sciences . ; My interdisciplinary science tutorial videos and other e-Learning resources.


All the work subdivisions and projects aim to accomplish 3 main goals in the long term:



Innovation and understanding in computational modelling of neuronal systems & neural network functional connectivity, in human & artificial complex systems.  Here, biophysiological data, high-resolution neuroimaging data, neurohistology data, data analysis, visual simulations, deep machine learning, and various other techniques, are being used.


Applications in the form of bionanotechnology in clinical cellular neurobiology, and in organismal systems neurophysiology for brain-machine interfaces.  In the near future, this will be mainly non-invasive applications at first.


Scientific and societal progress via the implementation of rational policies. The appropriate socio-economic philosophies will be key for practical results. To promote open-access and interdisciplinary mentalities.


 Business Model 

List of organisations / programmes, for start-up funds:


Annual Business Investment Rounds of Interest

- Private and Public Venture Capital from larger international organisations/corporations/groups/entities/people ; ;

- Research Councils (UK);


- UCL Entrepreneurial Funds ;

- KCL Entrepreneurial Funds;

- Dragon's Den or Shark Tank ;


(For Analytics and Finances, see "Documentation" page)

If you hold a Google Account, I can add you as a user for you to see my Google Analytics live.

"Annual & Quarterly Report for Investors, #1"

by Director, Chief Shareholder, and Accounts Secretary of Company:

Mr Harry S F Muzart

contact: / .org

at Global Headquarters: Canterbury, UK.

12 March 2018; (edit: 20 December 2019)

Here, below, I describe the technical aspects of the business model and what I have done to keep maintaining the business.

So I have done all the work mainly on my own (using internet resources), but since 2016, I have taken advantage of UCL Advances, UCL Careers, and UCL Rights and Advice, and King's Entrepreneurship Institute.

I was able to optimize the SEO of the sites that I use so that a blind search for ‘Interdisciplinary Neuroscience’ would result in my work being displayed.


More info TBC.


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